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Collaborative Divorce / High Conflict Divorce Counseling
in Palm Beach & Jupiter Florida

Along with in-person help, we also offer Second Opinions, Forensic Services, Home Visits, and Virtual Sessions.

Family Dispute

The Psychologists at Ricci Psychology Partners Offer Help For Those Going Through A Divorce.

Are you going through a divorce?

Anyone who has gone through a divorce can attest to the difficulty and sadness that surrounds the dissolution of a commitment that once was thought to be lifelong. Divorce can be a painful transition without being devastating and debilitating to the entire family. 

Talking to a therapist who is well versed in the complexities of marriage dissolution may alleviate many struggles that arise before, during, and after divorce.  Couples who divorce are typically poor communicators in their marriage and, of course, this is only heightened during divorce.  In therapy, couples can learn the value of moving forward in the most painless way possible, especially where children are involved.  The conclusion of a marriage does not have to feel like the end of a family.

Anyone who has gone through a divorce can attest to the difficulty and sadness that surrounds the dissolution of a commitment that once was thought to be lifelong.

Divorce can be a sad transition without being devastating and debilitating to the entire family. Talking to a therapist who is well versed in the complexities of marriage dissolution may alleviate many struggles that arise before, during, and after divorce.  Couples who divorce are typically poor communicators in their marriage and, of course, this is only heightened during divorce.  In therapy, couples can learn the value of moving forward in the most painless way possible, especially where children are involved.  The conclusion of a marriage does not have to feel like the end of a family.


High conflict divorce cases, where the divorce has already occurred but the litigation continues, are more complicated but not a lost cause.  In the majority of these cases the children are being used as tools by parents to fight against one another.  This is costly, as lawyers and court dates are always on the horizon, but more importantly, it is detrimental for the family system and incredibly damaging to the children involved.  It is never too late to reach out for help and gain the support to rectify a situation that might feel absolutely helpless. When children are involved, the effort is always worth it.


If you're currently going through a divorce and you need someone to talk to, contact Ricci Psychology Partners today at 561-385-9996.

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